Developing A New Generation of Future Global Citizens Who Will Be Able to Meet Tomorrow’s Challenges
Providing The Best Education of The Highest International Standards
Core Values
Visionary Leadership | Mutual Respect |Transparency |Team Work |Continuous Progress |The Best Education for All
Our Slogan is “Guide to Excel”
An Overall View of the School Curriculum

At New Indian Model School, Al Ain, we seek to ensure that a high quality, creative curriculum effectively meets the needs and extends the achievements of each individual child. We are committed to delivering exciting, rich learning experiences that not only equip our pupils in the subjects taught, but also ensure that they receive a broad and balanced curriculum developing individual talents and encouraging life-long enjoyment and motivation to learn that impacts positively on their aspirations and achievements. Through our planned curriculum, we also aim to inspire creativity, enterprise and innovation skills alongside our pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural knowledge and understanding. We pride on a regularly reviewed broad, well balanced curriculum which offers choice, and opportunity for specialization
Other key aspects of curriculum provision actively promote equal opportunities and pupils’ personal development and well-being. In our school we know our pupils well: We recognize that our pupils learn in varying ways and have different abilities, skills, interests and life experiences. We support our pupils to overcome any possible barriers to their learning according to individual needs. We believe that it is important to develop our pupils’ understanding of how they learn best and the learning behaviours that will support them eg:- developing their resilience, independence and critical thinking skills and learning how to learn. Our rigorous assessment procedures and thorough knowledge of each pupil ensures that we build concepts on prior attainment and previous experience.
Pastoral care based on a strong pastoral system supports the pupils to develop both academically and emotionally. The ADEC Licensed school counselor and HAAD certified health personnel support the students to overcome the psychological and health impediments respectively in the path of their learning.
The curriculum has been framed based on CBSE standards from KG 1 to G7 and Kerala State Board standards from G8 to G12. This combination has shown a highly positive impact on the learners at New Indian Model School , Al Ain . We believe the following points will prove it true:
- Standards achieved are above or in line with national expectations in the core subjects at all levels.
- Our pupils throughout the school demonstrate high levels of engagement, enjoyment and motivation leading to excellent learning attitudes.
- Pupils display a keen interest and fascination in finding out, either at first hand or through visits and visitors, about their world and how the lives of others compare and contrast with their own.
- Pupils increasingly understand and can describe how they learn through the 4 Rs: resilience, reciprocity, reflection and resourcefulness
- Parents report that their children enjoy their learning and find the curriculum, visits and visitors interesting and inspiring
- The students are given training in the arts, music, literary and environmental activities. They get ample opportunities to compete with others both inside and outside the school.
- An increasing number of our pupils enjoy their sports provision and taking up of the after school sports provision is high.
Subjects Taught In Different Levels:-

English, Mathematics, General Knowledge, Drawing, Arabic, Islamic Education/Quran/Moral Science, Art and Craft.
English, Hindi/Urdu/Malayalam/Bengali, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Social Studies, Moral Science, Drawing, Islamic Education/Quran, Arabic, Art & Craft.
English, Malayalam/Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Mathematics, Social Studies, Moral Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Art/Craft, Islamic Education. (Additional English and Special English from Std. 8 onwards in lieu of Malayalam)
Higher Secondary
Science stream:
English, Second Language (Malayalam/ Hindi/Arabic/), Physics, Chemistry, Biology /Computer Science , Mathematics.
Commerce Stream:
English , Second Language (Malayalam /Hindi/Arabic ), Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, Computer Application
Islamic Education is compulsory for Muslim children. Non-Muslim students are offered Moral Science in place of Islamic Studies. Arabic, Islamic Studies and Social studies are compulsory subjects as per the regulations of the Ministry of Education.